Educational Background
Viterbo University, Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with a minor in Early Childhood Education
Educational Experience
+ years with Aquinas Catholic Schools
+ years total teaching experience
Here is just a little bit about myself. I grew up in Holmen area, and then transferred and graduated from Aquinas High School in 2018. I have 1 dog named Brewer, after the Milwaukee Brewers. I also have one younger brother who attends Aquinas High School. I am a huge Wisconsin sports fan, and really enjoy watching baseball and basketball. In my free time, I enjoy to be outdoors going on walks, fishing, and biking. In addition, I also enjoying reading and doing some artwork.
This will be my first year teaching through the Aquinas Catholic Schools system. While this is my first year as a teacher, I have worked in after school care programs at Cathedral Elementary and Blessed Sacrament while also doing Camp Cathedral in summers since 2018. Over the last few years, I have really enjoyed working through the Aquinas system, and now I am very excited to be able to begin my teaching career at Cathedral Elementary.