Athletics Booster Club Mission
Quick Contacts
The Aquinas Booster Club Mission is to finance any Aquinas Catholic Schools co-curricular activities through fundraising, donations and community support. Supported activities should promote school spirit, enrich the community, and /or improve our surroundings. To promote and financially assist AHS and AMS and, additionally, provide assistance to any “supporting school” as deemed appropriate by the ABC.
Tanya Keppel, President
Justin Hass, Vice President
Tim Willenbring, Treasurer
Erin Klar, Secretary
Booster Club
Live Streams
Aquinas Booster Club Auction
Saturday, April 6, 2024
at Aquinas High School
Aquinas Booster Club Chicken Q
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
until gone at AHS
The Aquinas Rouser
Oh, Cheer for Aquinas
Cheer loud and long march on to Victory Singing our song
We’re all together in any weather
make the welkin ring
We’re cheering you
Rah Rah Fight for that line boys
Fight for that goal
We’re all behind you
Every single soul
Hold that line and Fight Fight Fight
For the Gold and Blue
Meeting Time
The Aquinas Booster Club meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month
at 7:00 pm in the Commons at Aquinas High School. All are welcome.
The Reinhart Athletic Complex
On May 9, 1996, Aquinas High School announced the D.B. and Marge Reinhart had donated $3 million to kick off a building campaign for the construction of Cardinal Burke Hall. The new facility was built on the corner of West Avenue and Cass Street and included the Reinhart Athletic Complex, a 1000 seat gymnasium, locker room facilities, a weight room, and multi-purpose wrestling room. The new facility was dedicated on September 12, 1997. The Reinhart Athletic Complex plays host to Aquinas High School Boys and Girls Basketball, Volleyball, and Wrestling.