The purpose of the Aquinas Middle School Athletic Program is to provide an opportunity for students to explore their potential, learn team play, and enjoy the spirit of competition. The aim of this program is to build character, sportsmanship, and physical fitness through a cooperative team effort. Read more on the athletics page.
Students and teachers will plan social activities at least three times during the school year. Once students arrive at a social they are to remain until the end of the social or until a parent/guardian comes into the social to pick up the student.
Schools are not to sponsor mixed parties and dances for grade school students, when they are such as to promote premature dating, exclusive and particular boy-girl associations and the pairing off of couples. School activities which are well supervised and which are instructive in social graces and productive of mature and wholesome relationships are encouraged.
Clubs Offered at Aquinas Middle School:
Art Club
Battle of the Books
Brains and Brawn
Drama Club
Geography Bee
Math Counts Team
Pep Club
Spelling Bee
Student Council​
Trap Team