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Use the buttons below to download various forms sent home throughout the year. Please email ( or call the school office with any questions about due dates and use of these forms.

Field Trips

Cathedral School teachers and staff look forward to providing learning experiences outside of the classroom on field trips for each grade level. 


All field trip permission forms must be filled out online thru your Skyward account.  Please click on the link below for instructions on how to fill these forms out.  Let the office know if you have any questions.


Any parent volunteering in our school must have the safe environment online training. Then the parent must submit a basic criminal background check and confidential questionnaire to the school office before volunteering with children and/or chaperoning field trips. Directions and forms can be found on our website under Parent Info - General Safety - Parent Safe Environment Forms.

The link to the Diocese of La Crosse website is found here:

Field Trips
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