Children's Mass
Cathedral Elementary School
9:00 am Wednesday
All elementary students at Cathedral School have the opportunity to attend Mass as a school at least one time per week and on Holy Days. Masses are planned and ministered by our students. Students have an opportunity to participate as song leaders, preparation of the altar at offertory, offertory gift bearers, and petitions. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend all Masses. The schedule of students sponsoring Mass is on the monthly school calendar.
An All-School Mass is held for all students of Aquinas Catholic Schools close to the Feast Day of St. Thomas Aquinas (January 28).
Religious Instruction
At Cathedral School we celebrate our faith through:
Daily Prayer
Weekly Mass
Seasonal Celebrations (i.e. October School Rosary, Lenten Stations of the Cross etc)
Sacramental Programs
First Reconciliation (Grade 2)
First Communion (Grade 2)
Every school day begins and ends with prayer. Formal religion classes are taught, but Religion permeates the curriculum. Students are provided with a variety of prayer experiences, both in the classroom and in church. These prayer experiences may include traditional, spontaneous, and contemporary prayers, Advent and Lenten prayers and paraliturgical services, scriptural services, stations of the cross, and rosary devotions.
Once a week students will participate in the Mass. Pastors from the local parishes celebrate Mass with the students, staff, and parents on a rotating scheduled basis.
Students in the second grade are prepared by their teachers and parents for the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation. Students receive their First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation at their individual Parish. First Communion is traditionally scheduled the last Sunday in April or first Sunday in May. Students will be prepared for First Reconciliation the first semester of the school year.
Welcome to National Catholic Schools Week!
Catholic Schools Week
Each year around the end of January, beginning of February we gather
to celebrate our Catholic Schools. It is always a fun filled week with
several activities!
Please plan to join us as we celebrate our wonderful Catholic Schools!
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.