Christian Service
Pray. Fast. Give Alms.
During the season of Lent, each of us are challenged to pray, fast and give alms. We encourage each family to incorporate these important aspects of Lent into their daily, family lives. At Blessed Sacrament, we will be participating in a variety of activities. In addition, your child's homeroom teacher may have activities planned to help guide your child on a successful Lenten journey.
Students will be working with their homeroom teacher to collect new/gently used items that are needed to help the Coalition to End Homelessness in La Crosse. See flyer on our home page.
Stations of the Cross
We will pray the Stations of the Cross each Friday at 2:25 p.m. at Blessed Sacrament Parish.
February 23: Grade 5 leads
March 2: Grade 4 leads
March 16: Singing Club Leads
March 23: Grade 3 leads
WEDNESDAY March 28: Grade 6 leads
Mite Boxes
On Ash Wednesday, students were given a Diocesan Mission Office Mite Box. During the season of Lent, students can challenge themselves to bypass a treat or activity for themselves and put the money in their box to return to school on Wednesday, March 28, 2018. Half of the money collected will go to the Missionary Childhood Association and the other half will be donated to a charity chosen by the students and approved by the Diocese.
Casa Hogar
Blessed Sacrament School is the "God-Parent" to a young girl, Mafer, at the orphanage Casa Hogar in Peru. Click here to learn more about Mafer. Each year we raise $1000.00 to support Mafer and $500 to support Alberto (our older God-Son). To help raise this money, we will have Jeans Day (for $1 donation) on Fridays:
March 2: Jeans and Any Color Polo
March 16: Jeans and Any Green Shirt
March 23: Jeans Day and Any Aquinas Shirt
Mass & Sacraments
Weekly Mass
9:00 am Wednesday
The celebration of the Eucharist is an integral part of the school week. Classrooms take turns planning and carrying out the liturgy throughout the year. Parents and family are encouraged to attend.
For special occasions and Holy Days of Obligation, Mass is typically held at 10:30 am.
Reconciliation is celebrated during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
Special Masses
An All-School Mass is held for all students of Aquinas Catholic Schools on the Feast Day of St. Thomas Aquinas (January 28).
Mass Servers
Boys and girls in grades 4, 5, and 6 are encouraged to participate in a Mass server training program. All students in grades 5 and 6 are invited to serve the Blessed Sacrament Parish on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Our God Child at Casa Hogar
Each year the students at Blessed Sacrament raise $1000 through Jeans Day donations and other activities to sponsor a child at the Diocese sponsored orphanage at Casa Hogar, Peru.
Our child this year is Maria. María Fernanda, also known as MaFer, was born on November 24th of 2010 and is 8 years old. She came to live at Casa Hogar this February, 2015 and is part of the Rosario Family (Our Lady of the Rosary) along with her sister, Paula. She says she’s scared of ducks but loves cats. Her favorite food is soup with beans and she loves to play Playgos and on the scooter. When she grows up she wants to be a doctor. MaFer is currently in kindergarten. She’s a very sweet young girl and has really bonded with an older member of the Rosario family, Daniela. She is still getting used to living at Casa Hogar and is a great addition to the family.
Look to your family folder for opportunities to help MaFer!