Field Trips
Class visits to places of cultural or educational significance give enrichment to the lessons of the classroom. Permission forms covering each field trip will be be posted to Skyward for parent authorization. The form will explain the relevance of the trip, transportation needs, and times and dates. Students will not be allowed to go on the field trip without the online authorization. A one time field trip fee is charged to your fee management account at the beginning of the school year to cover anticipated field trips and their bus expense.
We are not always able to take parent chaperones due to bus seating limits, however, if you chaperones are able to attend, please be sure to complete the necessary paperwork found under the "Chaperone a Field Trip" link.
Safe Environment Paperwork for Chaperones/Volunteers
Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week and the Great Kindness Challenge
January 29 - February 4, 2024
More details to come!​
Welcome to National Catholic Schools Week!
The theme for the week is Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service!

All Saints Day Celebration
On Tuesday, Novemebr 1st our children celebrated All Saints Day! Each child prepared a report and costume to honor the Saint of their choice for the day. At 8:00 a.m. the "Saints" assembled for The Parade of Saints as they headed to celebrate Mass at Blessed Sacrament Parish.
Following Mass, the children will share their Saint reports with Cathedral students and play some fun games!
All-in-all it was a great day! Thank you to each and every parent volunteer, teacher and staff member that made the day possible! View our All Saints Day video here.
Any parent volunteering in our school must have the safe environment online training. Then the parent must submit a basic criminal background check and confidential questionnaire to the school office before volunteering with children and/or chaperoning field trips.
To watch the video please click here to watch the Safe Environment Program - Procedures video. After viewing the video, please take a moment to CLICK HERE and fill out the brief survey with on the Diocese of La Crosse website.
Next, you will need to fill out a basic criminal background check and confidential questionnaire - click here.
Please submit the completed forms to the school office.
***If you have completed the Diocesan Safe Environment Training last school year, please click on the link below "Annual Verification of Safe Environment Training" and fill out the form. This is the only form you will need to fill out. (Annual Verification of Safe Environment Training)
If you have any questions on Safe Environment please contact the office at 608-782-5564
The safe environment video can also be found on the Diocese of La Crosse website (Library-Safe Environment Training Videos-Safe Environment Training Procedures)
Click here to go to the Diocese of La Crosse website.