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Principal's Message

Our Mission

Aquinas Catholic Schools is a Christ-Centered learning community carrying out a fundamental mission of the Church to educate, challenge and inspire students in the Catholic Tradition of Faith, Service and Academic Excellence.

Our Vision

Aquinas Middle School will inspire students to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and lifelong learners within a safe, nurturing, Catholic environment. Students will grow spiritually, academically, creatively, socially, and physically, striving to be Christ-like influences in their communities.

Our Motto

Learn - Share - Serve

Principal's Message

Dear Aquinas Middle and High School Families and Students,


Welcome to a new and promising school year at Aquinas. As an Aquinas graduate of the class of 2008, it is my pleasure to be returning back to the Aquinas family. Aquinas was much more to me than a school. During my time as a student, it was a place that I could call home.


At Aquinas, we are more than a school; we are a family dedicated to each student's holistic development. Our mission drives us to provide an education that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. We are committed to fostering an environment where students are encouraged to excel academically, grow spiritually, and develop morally.


Our vision is to be the premier educational choice, empowering students to fulfill their God-given potential for the betterment of all. Through our dynamic Catholic tradition, we aim to inspire students to become compassionate, thoughtful, and engaged members of society.


As we journey together, we hold dear the foundational values that have made Aquinas a place of educational excellence. These values include faith, integrity, service, and community. At the same time, we are committed to advancing Aquinas into the future with innovative academic practices and opportunities that prepare our students for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.


The success of our school community depends on the collaboration and partnership between students, parents, teachers, parishes, and staff. We encourage open communication and active involvement from our families. Your support and engagement are vital to creating a positive and enriching environment for our students.


Thank you for being part of the Aquinas family and entrusting us with your child’s education. We look forward to a successful and rewarding year ahead.


May God bless you, your families, and our Aquinas Schools.


Adam Poellinger
Aquinas Middle and High School

Educational Background
Coming soon!!


Educational Experience
Coming soon!!

Our Mission


Aquinas Middle School is a grades 7 and 8 Catholic School. It is a part of Aquinas Catholic Schools. Aquinas Middle School is located in the Aquinas Schools building on the corner of West Avenue and Cass Street in La Crosse.


During the 1992-93 school year, the increasing coordination of the seven Catholic elementary schools in the Greater La Crosse Area was made manifest with the foundation of the Aquinas Middle School. After three years of study, it was recognized that the unique needs of grade 7 and grade 8 students could be best met in a larger program that could sustain a number of specialty areas that any individual grade school could not sustain. Aquinas Middle School is located in a special wing of the Aquinas Schools building on the corner of West Avenue and Cass Street in La Crosse. In order to house both Aquinas Middle School and Aquinas High School, the building underwent a comprehensive $500,000 renovation underwritten by the Reinhart Family Foundation.


Aquinas Middle School currently uses three teams of teachers – Core 7, Core 8 and Encore teams – working together to address the total needs of each student

Our History


At Aquinas Middle School we are committed to providing an education that facilitates the formation of Catholic values and attitudes as well as the development of the whole person: spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. To that end, we offer the following opportunities in our school setting:


  • Core classes:
    Religion, Language Arts, Literature, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies

  • Encore classes:
    Art, Computers, Foreign Language (French/Spanish), Music (Band/Choir/General Music/Strings), Physical Education

  • Guidance Program

  • Learning Needs Program

  • Weekly Masses

  • Reconciliation Services

  • Rosary at St. Rose Convent

  • Stations of the Cross

  • Teacher Teams

  • Homerooms

  • Student centered learning environment

  • Integrated curriculum

  • Dress Code

  • Honor Level activities (Socials, Pep Rallies, Auctions, Breakfasts, Rest and Relaxation times)

  • Geography Bee

  • Spelling Bee

  • Battle of the Books

  • Clubs and Organizations (Art Club, Computer Club, Math Club, Drama Club, Student Council, Science Olympiad, Pep Club, Yearbook Club)

  • Athletic Programs (Cross Country, Football, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball, Wrestling, Softball, Track and Field)

  • After School Study Program

  • Parent Association

  • Parent Advisory

  • Teacher Advisory Program


At Aquinas Middle School, we strive to make a positive difference in the lives of each and every adolescent we minister to. We work in partnership with parents to help young people develop the skills for becoming successful in high school and beyond – successful in their faith and parish life, family life, school life, and community life.


Please consider joining the Aquinas Middle School family and allow us to help make a positive difference for your child.

Why Aquinas Middle School


As your child moves into Aquinas Middle School, there is a mixture of anxiety and excitement. There are many changes ahead. The purpose of this summary is to answer some of your key questions and in the process relieve some of your anxieties. Explore some of the common questions many parents ask about middle school below:


What is the difference between middle school and junior high school? 
A junior high is set up to model a high school. As a mini-high school, junior high schools tend to be teacher-centered, strictly departmentalized, content-focused, randomly scheduled, and often impersonal. Middle schools are designed specifically to be developmentally appropriate to meet the educational needs of a very unique population – early adolescents. Elementary and high school programs are not necessarily appropriate for this transitional age group as they truly are in the MIDDLE!! At this age, students require personal attention, connectedness, student-centered teaching, and a schedule that promotes interaction. Some major differences are:


Middle School:

  1. Teaching teams

  2. Flexible scheduling

  3. Students scheduled on a team

  4. Homeroom for business and advisory program with teachers as advisors

  5. Student-centered

  6. Integrated curriculum development

  7. Teacher planning by team


Junior High School:

  1. Departments

  2. Rigid schedules

  3. Random student scheduling

  4. Homeroom for business

  5. Content-centered

  6. Curriculum developed by content areas

  7. Random and/or department planning


What is teaming?
Teaming is a way of grouping students and teachers together to eliminate the impersonal random scheduling of the junior high school. The idea is to create small communities of learning within a school. Middle School teaming means that a common group of students are assigned to a common group of teachers for a common part of the day. The teachers keep close contact, in an organized regular teacher meeting format as well as informally, regarding student needs, observations and learning.


How will teaming benefit my child?
Teaming will allow teachers to work together to design programs to meet the individual needs of students according to each student’s interests and abilities. It will provide a more positive learning environment that promotes challenging and interactive teaching strategies. Students will no longer feel like a number. Learning experiences will cross subject area boundaries to become interrelated and relevant. Studies show that in this format, academic performance increases while discipline and other related problems decrease.


How will teaming benefit me as a parent?
Because a team of teachers meets on a regular basis, at any time you can get a very complete picture of our child’s progress via one conversation with a team teacher. Due to teaming, progress report requests are more easily and thoroughly handled. The team conference period is available for you, as a parent, to meet with your child’s teachers in a timely and comprehensive manner. Teachers are able to keep in contact with each other regarding the needs of your child. Thus, your student is receiving a quality educational experience.


What developmental changes can we expect with our son/daughter?
The middle school years, early adolescence, is a time of dramatic change for young people. At no other time of their lives will they grow as quickly socially, emotionally, and physically than during the middle school years. This is a time of contradictions, challenges, and great rewards. During this time, you might expect:



  • Dramatic physical development

  • Great appetites, often with odd tastes

  • Bones tend to grow faster than muscles

  • Erratic growth often resulting in a lack of coordination

  • Acute awareness of their own physical development

  • Physical development (especially biological) usually occurs before emotional and social maturity



  • Intense curiosity

  • Learning happens best when actively involved in the learning experience

  • Learning happens best when they see the learning experience as real and relevant to them

  • Beginning to know what they do and do not know

  • Developing their own sense of humor

  • Putting academic learning second to their social and emotional concerns



  • Developing extreme loyalties to peer groups

  • Strong need to feel “connected” to others

  • Worrying about fitting in

  • Challenging authority figures, including parents and teachers

  • Beginning to develop interests in the opposite sex



  • Trying to identify their individual uniqueness

  • Continual hormonal changes that trigger emotional shifts and frequent mood swings therefore, if you don’t like their attitude, wait a few minutes and it will change

  • Extremely self-conscious and vulnerable to bouts of low self-esteem

  • Feelings are intensified and they tend to take things very personally

  • Many simple things become very dramatic issues and they tend to be crisis oriented



  • Prone to a lot of questioning and critical thinking about their faith

  • Challenging the need to attend Mass regularly

  • Striving to “fit in” with peers thus not as actively and/or outwardly involved in the Mass and with their faith


What is the teacher-advisory (TA) program?
The teacher-advisory (TA) program is one that pairs small groups of students with a teacher – often a teacher other than the homeroom teacher. The program focuses on student social, emotional, spiritual, and other issues. TA requires a lot of student-teacher interaction. The teacher provides activities and a climate for students to develop skills in communication, teamwork and problem solving in a context outside of a regular classroom setting. TA allows students to address and discuss issues in a non-threatening, open and adult-led environment.


What is the difference between Core and Encore classes?
Core classes are the required basic classes that meet daily for all students. Encore classes, also known as Exploratory or Specials, are those courses that allow students to experience a variety of areas. Encore classes meet on a rotating basis.


Core Classes:

  • Religion

  • Language Arts

  • Literature

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Social Studies


Encore Classes:

  • Foreign Language (French or Spanish)

  • Art

  • Physical Education

  • Computers

  • Music (Chorus, General Music, Strings or Band)

  • Health (grade 8 only)


How is the middle school schedule different from an elementary schedule?
In a middle school setting, students are steered towards independence. They have lockers in which they keep their personal belongings and school supplies. They move from classroom to classroom with organized locker break time. Students will have a variety of teachers throughout the day. Students will experience a variety of schedules. Middle school teachers and students are able to design schedules to meet their needs regarding a specific project or activity. Flexible scheduling affords teachers and students opportunities to work together. A lot of learning is done via projects, presentations and discussions. Homework and the development of study skills are part of the middle school experience. Students are challenged to take responsibility for their actions and behaviors. Ownership of their actions, successes and failures is stressed.


How will the middle school prepare my son or daughter for high school? 
There is strong evidence to support that teachers working together on teaching teams better prepare students for their high school career and beyond. The ability for teachers to collectively develop more challenging learning experiences and appropriate teaching strategies that reach across content boundaries creates students that are more motivated, confident, self-directed, and successful.


How can I best support my child during this transitional period of middle school?
With a lot of love, faith and patience, you and your child will survive this time of the raging hormones and surge for independence. Make time to talk with your child daily about school. Find out what your child’s interests are. Communicate with the teacher as needed. Listen to what your child is saying and not saying to you. Allow your child an opportunity to stand on his own. Try to let your child solve his own problems and be responsible for his own actions. Be ready to hug him when he succeeds and catch him when he falls. Be a good role model for your child. Sacrifice friendship with your child for parenting your child. Never take what your child says too personally, and take every day as a new day. Your precious little package is spreading its wings. Get comfortable and try to enjoy the flight.

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