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Our Parish Partnership

In seeking to enroll your child in Aquinas Catholic Schools, you are entering into a long-enduring partnership of parishes and pastors; of parents and children; of teachers, administrators and staff. As is true with most partnerships, this relationship includes hopes and expectations on the part of all involved, and it includes a declaration of commitment. By enrolling your child, you are indicating your commitment to the various components of this partnership. 

A Partnership of Parishes, Families and Educators

Hopes & Expectations: The Parishes

Parishes are the central component of Catholic communal life and they are central to Aquinas Catholic Schools (ACS) as well. Those associated with our shared system of Catholic education are grateful for the generous support of our parishes. Parishes of the La Crosse Deanery contribute significantly to the system’s annual budget.

In addition, parishes with schools on their property fund ongoing maintenance and improvement of those facilities. Catholic schools are a fundamental aspect of Catholic life and the parishes which support ACS are proud to fulfill this important dimension of their mission to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help young people grow in faith and in knowledge. 

Hopes & Expectations: Parents & Children 

The financial support of our parishes makes it possible for ACS to offer a significantly reduced tuition rate to children from area parishes. In exchange for this generous support, it is understandable that our parishes would have expectations of those parents and children who are enrolled in our schools and share in this partnership. 

Parish Membership and Expectations

Formal parish membership is a fundamental expectation. The expectations of parish membership are the same for ACS families as for all parishioners:


• Participation at Mass on Sunday (or Saturday night). Giving God thanks and praise at Mass is fundamental to Catholic life and it is an essential element of our children’s growth in living and celebrating their Christian faith. The significance of all children and parents attending Mass each Lord’s Day cannot be overstated.


• Involvement in Parish Life. A parish is vibrant only if all members participate in various ministries and volunteer opportunities. The commitment of ACS parents to these parish ministries and programs not only benefits the parish but also provides an important witness to our children in connecting faith and service.


• Financial Support. The generous financial support of all parishioners is necessary for parish life. Some parishes might indicate how parishioners would determine a pledge of financial support each year. Regardless, it is necessary for every family to recognize the obvious financial need of their parish, to consider one’s ability and responsibility to support the

parish, and then to plan and support their parish financially.  


The Commitment 

This is a brief overview of our ACS partnership and the commitment we all make as part of this partnership to provide for strong and vibrant parishes and a solid foundation for Catholic education in order to enable our children to mature in faith, hope and love. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your pastor or the President of ACS, Ted Knutson at



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