Blessed Sacrament Elementary School
Educational Background
Concordia College, Moorhead, MN - Bachelor of Arts in Music
Educational Experience
+ years with Aquinas Catholic Schools
+ years total teaching experience
Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember! I began singing and playing piano at a young age and continue to do so today, along with playing bassoon, oboe, and saxophone. I graduated from Cotter High School in Winona and received a bachelors in music from Concordia College in Moorhead, MN.
In addition to this wonderful role at Blessed Sacrament, I am the Arts Administrator for the Winona Symphony Orchestra, teach private music lessons and dance classes through the Minnesota Conservatory for the Arts, and am the Company Manager for the Great River Shakespeare Festival during the summer. In my musical capacities, I am a bassoonist with the Winona Symphony Orchestra and conduct the La Crescent Community Band. Outside of work, I enjoy reading, hiking, playing tennis, and spending time with my family.
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I teach a holistic approach to music. In addition to learning the basics of their instrument, students will learn the skills necessary to play in an ensemble, including listening, collaboration, balance, and dedication. Time in the classroom will also be spent making connections to other areas of life and finding the avenues that allow each student to discover their unique passion for music.
Band, 5th & 6th